Can the Eclipse Light Harm Your Car? Dos & Don’ts

Picture of a couple on the hood of their car, pointing at a solar eclipse, with a telescope in the background

The 2024 Solar Eclipse taking place on April 8th is notable for its path of totality crossing through North America, making it visible to millions of people across Mexico, the United States, and Canada. For most Canadians, the opportunity to witness a full solar eclipse has been a rare event since the last one in […]

How often should you wash your car in the winter?

Customer using the self-serve car wash

Washing your car in the winter can be frustrating. If you wash it yourself, you might have a hard time feeling your fingers, and if you go through a car wash, your car seems to get dirty as soon as you exit the bay. However, washing is an important part of car care and can […]

Essential Spring Car-Care Checklist: Getting Your Vehicle Ready for Warmer Weather

Picture of a person hanging their feet over a pink convertible car's window while wearing pink flipflops

Hello, clean car lovers! With spring’s arrival, it’s crucial to give your car the attention it needs after enduring the winter season. Here’s an in-depth checklist to prepare your vehicle for spring: ① Get Rid of Winter’s Salty Mess with Essential Undercarriage Deep Cleaning: Got a grime-covered car? Spring’s the perfect time for a car […]

Key Tips for Keeping Your Car Sensors Safe and Functional in the Cold

Picture of a car queue in winter, scenic snowy landscape

Hello, clean car lovers! Winter’s here, and with it comes the need for some extra TLC (Tender Loving Care) for your car. This blog is all about keeping things simple yet effective when it comes to caring for your car in the cold. It’s crucial to know what to do, to ensure both its performance […]

How our humble car wash ended up in the latest Netflix hit

Screen still from the TV series Fubar with Arnold Schwarzenegger, with a Ford car exiting a Valet Car Wash

Imagine Arnold Schwarzenegger entering your car wash. The floor sinks down and his car simply disappears into a long tunnel. You must be dreaming, right? For car wash owner Mike Black this script became reality. His Valet Car Wash was used for the latest Netflix-series Fubar! Fubar is the current hit on Netflix, where former […]